Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Tropical times

May 13th, 2011

Rockingham. Last town before finally parting company with the tropics. Tropic of Capricorn a few miles to the south. Close now on one third of my way along Australia’s east coast. But still a long way to go to Melbourne.


The tropics had been a challenge, doubly so in the wet season. Exhausting humidity. Cyclone Yasi. Flooded roads. Plethora of unfamiliar fauna. Crocodiles. Suicidal wallabies. I’d joked it was a laugh a minute. But secretly I was pleased. Mastered the environment. Sad to leave.

In truth, there’d been a marked improvement in the weather over the last few hundred miles. South of Mackay the rainfall had tapered off. You still got wet. But not as often. Stifling humidity replaced by headwinds coming up from the south. Continuing to cool. Pleasant. Australian autumn. Bit like an English summer.



Splash of mediocrity

May 12th, 2011

Splash of mediocrity from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken describes his stop at a less than inspiring van park in Rockingham, central Queensland. Never a good sign when the facilities, and the entrance gate, require a key or combination. And value for money usually inversely proportional to the number of "Do not" signs. Of which there were quite a few.



Road to Rockingham

May 8th, 2011

Road to Rockingham from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken describes the road south from Mackay to Rockingham. Very dull. The highway. Not the video clip. Hopefully…


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