Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Solo camping

May 28th, 2011

Solo camping from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Join Ken camping alone in the Mary Valley, southern Queensland. No garlic to ward off evil. Relying instead on having consumed an entire packet of fig rolls. Enough to deter even the Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town. Unfair competition.

[With thanks to the "Two Ronnies"]




May 27th, 2011

Kenilworth from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

It’s not always fun in the sun. Never quite the same as Neighbours or Home and Away. Kenilworth, Mary Valley, southern Queensland.




May 27th, 2011

Bit of a climb she said. Up to Kenilworth. In the Mary Valley. But there were bellbirds in the trees. Distinctive call. Single note. Shrill. At the time I thought more like a door bell than, say, an old hand wrung school affair. But my recollections were a little shaky. Efforts to record their sound thwarted by some intense late afternoon electrical activity.



Voyaging afar

May 27th, 2011

Andy - Kandanga

Six years it’d taken him, he said apologetically. Sailing around the world in a small ketch. I was impressed. And said so. He dismissed this. Simply a case of following the Trade Winds. Recounting tales of struggles with a sextant.

I’d met Andy by chance. Brief stop a little north of Kenilworth in Queensland’s Mary Valley. Settled in Australia with his fourth wife, he was originally from South Africa. Revealing a thick Afrikaans accent now his party trick. He’d not just sailed. He’d cycled through much of southern Africa. And driven buses in London. Even been on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James.



School days

May 27th, 2011

Dagun school - with Ken

Escaping the familiar Bruce Highway south towards Brisbane, I’d headed down into the Mary Valley. Stumbling on the village of Dagun. Intending only a brief stop. Perhaps a quick coffee. Nothing more.

Left a few hours later. Invited to the local school to give an impromptu talk to the pupils. Met by head teacher Jane. Then thrust into the lions den. For no question is ever off-limits to children. Tough audience. Great fun.



Introducing Milo

May 26th, 2011

Introducing Milo from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Introducing Milo. And owner Laverne. At Dagun railway station, Mary Valley, central Queensland. Incidentally, Milo is an Australian drink similar to Horlicks in the UK. Ken’s yet to find a pet called ’XXXX’.



All aboard in Dagun

May 26th, 2011

All aboard in Dagun from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken stumbles on a restored railway station in the Mary Valley, southern Queensland



Mixed messages

May 26th, 2011


Seemed there had been a number of break-ins at the camp site. Communal fridge and the coin drawer for the tumble dryer rather than vans or tents. No particular pattern. No obvious suspects. I felt sorry for the permanent residents. For this was their home. Theft of this sort akin to burglary. Expressed my particular revulsion of such behaviour. Dishonesty a pet hate. Steal from me and you’ll find your membership of the human race revoked. Think I’ve always been particularly clear on this point.

I’d arrived the previous night. Town of Gympie. Found the site without difficulty. But left the next day a bit confused. There’d been a friendly greeting, decent pitch, reasonable charge, even loan of a towel. But, when I’d popped back to Reception a little later, a frosty encounter. Was there WiFi I’d asked? No. Bluntly. Actually there was. Netbook detects them. Next morning. Same person. Helpful. Maps for the day ahead. Mixed messages.



On air in Australia

May 26th, 2011


Courtesy of friends at my local community radio station in Somerset, England –– you can catch up with my regular monthly on-air chats with good friend and neighbour Jon.

In these latest episodes Ken talks about his time in Australia. Just click on the links below to hear the various instalments.

February 2011

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March 2011

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May 2011

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July 2011

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August 2011

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End of Australia summary

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Download WAV

[If you enjoyed listening to this broadcast, or any of their other programmes – you can listen online – please do consider making a donation]



On the spot

May 25th, 2011

On the spot. What, asked my Mum, did root actually mean? As awkwardness goes, a question up there with "Where do babies comes from?". Brief pause. "Err… sexual intercourse" I muttered. She laughed. Realising the true significance of my earlier supermarket faux pax. When I’d announced that I’d have root in the kitchen a bit later.


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