Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Over the ocean

January 7th, 2012

Searching for a one-way transatlantic flight that doesn’t cost more than a return has to be up there with the efforts of a Papal Conclave to elect a new Pope. And don’t be tempted to purchase a return and fail to show for the second leg. They’ve thought of that. Punitive charges levied onto your credit card.

Of course, you can find singles for roughly half that of a return. Takes a bit of searching on the web, lots of patience, and hoping the online flight discount site you’ve found is legitimate. And being very sure about when you want to fly. Unless you want to pay a change fee amounting to over half the original ticket price.

At least payment with a credit card affords some protection. And there’s a quick check you can normally do once you’ve made the purchase. Log into the airline’s own website and see if they’ve a record of your booking. Fortunately, in my case, they had. Travelling with British Airways on a code share with American Airlines. The one enjoying bankruptcy protection….


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