Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Camping in Cardwell

April 11th, 2011

Cardwell from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Continuing south along the Queensland coast from South Mission Beach, Ken reaches the town of Cardwell. Receiving pretty much the full force of Cyclone Yasi a few months ago, it then got flooded out. Twice.

But, although there’s some way to go – noticeable more so than for other settlements – people are getting back on their feet. Campsite open. Colin a very welcoming host. Seen a few cyclists pass his way. About seventy or so a year he reckoned.



Down at Mission Beach

April 10th, 2011

Misson Beach from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken reaches the small seaside town of Mission Beach, on the north Queensland coast. Badly hit a few months ago by Cyclone Yasi. But quickly getting back on its feet. For all the earlier devastation, featuring one of the best campsites so far.



South Mission Beach

April 10th, 2011

South Mission Beach from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken travels a little further err south that’d be, from Mission Beach to South Mission Beach. Another seaside community recovering from Cyclone Yasi a few months ago. And one a bit closer to the eye of the storm.



On a Mission

April 9th, 2011

Stumbled on a small tourist information centre on the outskirts of Innisfail. My concerns about road closures to the south – floods mostly – quickly allayed. Main highway re-opened earlier in the day. And a chance to ascertain which of the cyclone hit coastal settlements were accessible. Mission Beach. Keen to welcome visitors. Help resurrect the local economy.

Explained I was very aware of the devastation wrought on places like Mission Beach. Didn’t want to gape. Seeking to capitalise on the misfortune of others. Rather, to report. To inform. Sensing these were communities you’d want to visit. Not out of pity but admiration. For their stoicism. And if I could help dispel a few myths, so much the better.



Gone with the wind

April 9th, 2011

Window - web

If there’s two things I admire about Queenslanders it’s their stoicism. And humour. The damage – entire roof ripped off part of a petrol station – the result of Cyclone Yasi a few months ago.


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