Across Continents

Ken's Blog


June 14th, 2011

Unreserved apology. I’d been unjustly grumpy the previous evening. Staggered to discover a pitch would cost me thirty two bucks – over twenty pounds. Soon dark. Moving on no option. Besides, the other two local sites belonged to the same owner. The State Government. Same prices.

Limp offerings doing little to lessen my frustrations. Cost based on two adults. And power was available at the pitch. Struggling to conceal my irritation at their absolute lack of flexibility. Eventually conceding I’d have to cough up. But I wanted a towel. WiFi. And if I’d had something hungry for electricity – a linear particle accelerator or similar – I’d have plugged it in.

Only consolation the generosity of other visitors. Two Lorraines, Reg and David inviting to join them for dinner in the camp kitchen. My offer to wash-up rejected lest it upset their system. Gary insisting I share a proper breakfast with him. Bacon, eggs and toast. Mug of tea.



To the letter

June 14th, 2011

Never cease to be surprised how supposedly simple names have several spellings. Sometimes more. Often a bit unusual. In the small North South Wales coastal resort of Kingscliff I’d met Brian and Gaile. Lost track of the different variations of Karen. Always ask. Very important to get someone’s name right. Which recently elicited a little gem from sapphire dealer Gary. "One ’r’. Means you’re straight. Two means you’re gay".

[With apologies to heterosexual Garrys. Unless you’re hiding in the closet]



Grey Nomads

June 13th, 2011

Grey Nomads from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken encounters some Grey Nomads. And discovers Australia society isn’t quite as classless as they’d like you to think. Features gratuitous scenes of domestic bliss.



Over the border to Wales

June 13th, 2011

Missed it. The border. Between Queensland to the north and New South Wales. If there was a sign, it’d probably be on the main highway I’d sought to avoid. Carefully picking my way through roadworks. Along re-routed cycle paths. Tediously slow.

No fences. No checkpoints. But the boundary between Queensland and New South Wales does matter. Different laws. For Australia is a federation. Just like the USA. But with fewer States. A less vocal gun lobby. And a lot more bowls clubs. In fact, just what you’d probably expect if the British did federalism.

Just one short interlude. Michael. Towing a trailer largely constructed of chicken wire. He’d been struggling up a steep incline as I’d descended. Narrow path. Deep gutter. His head down. Concerned he might hit me, I’d given him a friendly shout. German. Heading north in search of work. Fruit or vegetable picking.



Waiting for God

June 13th, 2011

Let’s be clear. A bit blunt. Call them gated communities. Retirement villages. Sheltered accommodation. It matters not. I’ve seen all the advertising slogans. "The care you’ve earned. The freedom you deserve". Utter tosh. Truth is, these are places you go to die. Draining the life force from you the moment you enter. Fit pull cords in my bathroom and I’m gone.

Ah, you may say, what’s the problem? Those sort of institutions, en suite open prisons, are years off. Not in Australia. Open to the over 50s. Marketed as such. Eligible in just eight years. True, I’ve had a few bouts of travellers diarrhoea on this venture. But nothing that’d have me marked down as incontinent. Not whilst I have my strength.



Kingscliff and beyond

June 12th, 2011

Kingscliff and beyond from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Finally escaping the tourist mecca – an oxymoron if ever there was one – that is the Gold Coast, Ken reaches the rather more quiet seaside town of Kingscliff. Rather less tat and tattoo parlours.



Life’s no beach

June 12th, 2011

Life’s no beach from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken discovers the Gold Coast – places like Surfers Paradise and Mermaid Beach – aren’t all about beach babes and surf boards.



Not a toilet?

June 12th, 2011

Southport mural

Southport. On Queensland’s Gold Coast. Very touristy. But a toilet? Surely not. There again…



Seeing the world

June 11th, 2011

Done quite a few radio interviews. Some TV work. And lots of newspaper articles. All great fun. Varied. But a pleasant surprise recently. A very different take on my venture. "Leave the Navy. See the world". Rather than the usual "Join the Navy. See the World". Nothing wrong with that of course. Besides, much nicer than "Join the Army. Meet lots of interest people. Kill them". Squaddie humour. You can’t beat it.

Navy News

So now you know. How I stayed off the streets for the last twenty years or so. Actually, I did get to see quite a bit of the world. And left simply because I wanted a change. To head for pastures new whilst I was still enjoying what I was doing. Fabulous time. Of course, everything has its moments. I get seasick. Well, you never really know ’til you join. And then it’s a bit late.



Culinary wilderness

June 11th, 2011

Australia. Koalas. Kangaroos. Crocodiles. Abundance of fruit and vegetables. So what, you might, ask, is the national dish? Roasted marsupial stuffed with a medley of root crops, served on a tantalizing bed of tropical fruits? Locally grown melon the entree, custard apples for desert? Nope. Not a hope.

Pot bellied pies

Pies. And fish and chips. Sounds just a little bit familiar? To be fair, there’s usually a choice of pie filling. Steak or curry. And plastic cutlery is widely available. Some progress then…


[With especial thanks to Simon in Bargara for the inspiration behind this piece]


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