Across Continents

Ken's Blog


November 18th, 2011

He’d arrived after dark. Stanislov was Russian. Walking the length of the US Pacific coast. Twenty, sometimes thirty, miles per day. Joining me by the small camp fire I’d eventually got lit, mostly with Coleman fuel.

In the gloom amidst the trees he’d shown me his kit. Couple of walking poles, a bivvy bag, sleeping bag, roll mat, waterproofs and wash kit. All packed into a small Bergen. Together with a little food.

Did he always camp I’d asked. No, he admitted. Sometimes got to stay with fellow Russians. There was, he said, an entire network of them across the globe. I smiled. Said I’d heard of it. SVR? He didn’t reply.

[Author’s note: The SVR is what the KGB re-invented itself as post-Cold War. Sounds a bit softer. Ironic really as, by all accounts, greater freedoms means it’s more active today than ever before]



Welcome to California

November 18th, 2011


On the Oregon – California border



Crossing into California

November 18th, 2011

I’d paused briefly at the agricultural checkpoint as I’d entered California from Oregon State. Shouted "No fruit or vegetables" and quickly waved on by an official who’d crafted disinterest into a performing art. Stopped a few miles down the road. Small Mexican shop. A few holas and gracias. Then on to Crescent City, in search of a better State road map than the one I’d got.

Earlier I’d stopped for breakfast in Brookings, six or so miles north of the Californian border. Hearty breakfast, basking in the warmth by the window of a small cafe. Joined on an adjacent table by a couple of bikers. They were from down south, retired now after decades as Californian State Highway Patrol officers. "CHIPS" I thought.



Early morning at the campground

November 17th, 2011




Caption competition

November 13th, 2011


Saw this and thought of old family friend Mike who’s sharp wit never fails. He’s also – genuinely – a very keen ornithobird-watcher – and thought he might like this picture – look carefully, I’d advised, and you can just make out a couple of tits. His reply?

"Corr blimey Ken,some cemetery that is and she must have had a pair!! Yes Mike and they look as if they could erupt at any time soon,said Kenneth"




November 5th, 2011

Simple enough plan. We’d ride for the Californian border. South from West Seattle, through Washington State in the top left of the US. Two hundred miles or so to the north Oregon State city of Portland. Then west through the mountains to the Pacific ocean at Lincoln City. Weaving our way along the coast to California. One week. Roughly five hundred miles.


I’d be riding with old school friend Giles. Pleased to discover his wife Sara and their young daughter would be joining us at various points along the road. For in the US a week is a serious chunk of annual leave.

We’d be stopping in motels. Giles quite adamant there were no conceivable circumstances under which he’d camp. Rather admired his honesty. After all, the trip was meant to be enjoyable, a chance to catch up on what we’d both been up to for the last twenty years or so. Challenging – yes – but not a test of endurance, the sort of thing you only appreciate in retrospect.



Mum’s the (final) word

November 1st, 2011


Courtesy of friends at my local community radio station in Somerset, England – – you can catch up with my regular monthly on-air chats with good friend and neighbour Jon.

In this latest episode Ken talks about his travels through Canada’s British Columbia Province, dental dramas and a chance to ride with an old school friend. But the final word goes to his Mum…. Click on the link below to download the interview.

Download MP3



Apple a day…

November 1st, 2011


Good news for all you Apple lovers. For a few changes behind the scenes should mean subsequent video clips are much easier to view on your iThingies – if not, do let me know! Right, need to go and find my whatsit. Should be next to the thingymejig



Escaping from Alcatraz

October 31st, 2011

Escaping from Alcatraz from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Always a bit ahead of the blog – in this case a thousand miles or so south of Seattle, down in San Francisco – Ken takes a short break from repairing his rabbit ravaged netbook and visits… Alcatraz Island.

Incidentally, Lancastrian Ken generally prefers to avoid tourist traps, but did find a visit to the island well worth the effort. Which translates as about US$26, the freedom to wander around at your leisure, an excellent audio tour, and the queuing to board the ferry tolerable… even if surrounded by garlic-munching surrender monkeys… And nobody asked him if he was Australian…

[Parental advisory: Video contains explicit references to Yorkshire]



Brief intermission

October 25th, 2011


Regular followers of the blog may be aware I usually run a little ahead of it – in this case, about a thousand miles from Seattle. For I’m now down in San Francisco, so just seven hundred miles or so from the Mexican border.

Spending a few days in the city – routine maintenance, aspirations to visit Alcatraz – and writing up more of the blog once I’ve fixed the power supply for my netbook. Cable chewed through not by a wild bear or raccoon, or even a feral cat, but a house rabbit. Called Bob. Some things you can’t make up….

So, please bear with me – a brief blog intermission – as the last of the scheduled posts have now appeared….


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