Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Water features

July 10th, 2011


On the beach. Close to the village of Punakaiki. On the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island




July 10th, 2011

PunCavern (3)

Punakaiki Cavern. Near the small village of Punakaiki. On the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island



Taste of the Tasman – Part Two

July 9th, 2011

Taste of the Tasman – Part Two from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

More scenes from along the coast around Punakaiki. On the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island




July 9th, 2011


For bird-lovers… Am assured it’s a flightless Weka. But I’m often wrong..



Taste of the Tasman – Part One

July 9th, 2011

Taste of the Tasman – Part One from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Scenes from along the coast around Punakaiki. On the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island



Punakaiki Lisa

July 8th, 2011


Today’s Kiwese word or phrase: "Fitter cheney". Type of pasta

She liked languages. Spoke five. Dutch. Her native German. Italian. English. Fluent. And the Swiss dialect I can never quite remember the name of.



Rolling along

July 8th, 2011

Today’s Kiwese word or phrase: "dome onion". Bit more tricky this one. How the Kiwis describe their nation state

We were making good time our driver explained. Pale white faces around the bus suggested few were surprised by this. His joviality the only constant as we plunged down the steep, windy mountain roads. Safe hands. White knuckles.

We’d made good time to our first cafe stop a little earlier. Murchison. Might also have been the name of the small town on whose edge we sat. I’d missed the sign as we’d sped in. Short break. Enough time for tea, toilets and a few photographs. Felt a little guilty using their facilities as I’d no intention of buying anything. I’d my flask and sandwiches.



Poetry in motion

July 7th, 2011


Today’s Kiwese word or phrase: "Brists". Chickens have a couple of these

Was it poetry I was writing, she’d asked? Seen me scribbling in a small pocket book. The sort, she explained, writers used for composition. Not exactly, I’d replied. Had once tried Haiku. But that was quite a while ago. Decades.

Nikki was from San Francisco. Fellow bus passenger. Spreading her wings after a spell in an urban winery. Everything but the vineyards she explained. Heading south towards the Franz Josef glacier.



Sound bites

July 7th, 2011

Today’s Kiwese word or phrase: "Willington". Capital of New Zealand

"Makes a McDonalds Big Mac taste like a biscuit" explained Steve, our driver. With enthusiasm undiminished by the comatose state of most of his passengers. Seven twenty three am. Sunrise. Good-humoured descriptions of cafe stops ahead. Home-cooked snacks on offer. That sort of thing. Commentary fresh. Chunky, snappy sound bites. Buoyant. As if he’d only made the journey the day before. Anxious to share the experience. Felt you were travelling together. Or at least I did. Most people by now asleep.



Cafe stop

July 6th, 2011

Cafe stop from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Early morning stop as Ken explores New Zealand’s South Island by bus


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