Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Extreme cooking

May 21st, 2011

Extreme cooking from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Simon, Ken’s host in Bargara, sheds some light on the skill required to cook snags – sausages – on an open fire in Australia. Extreme. Footage also includes some disparaging advice about Blackpool. Scurrilous stuff. Enjoy.




May 21st, 2011

Off-roading from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken tries his hand at off-roading… in a Landcruiser. And threatens to leave Emma, his trusty steed. Only joking…



Boys Own stuff

May 20th, 2011


Hearty agreement. Enid Blyton’s Secret Seven were a bit too domestic. Never seemed to wander far from the garden shed. But the Famous Five? Lighthouses. Secret notebooks. Hidden treasure. Catacombs. That was proper adventure. Up there with Blue Peter’s John Noakes as a role model growing up in the Seventies and Eighties. Later Alistair MacLean novels. From a time when going abroad meant plotting sabotage or conducting espionage.

I was staying with Simon, old public school friend of my neighbour Jon, and his wife Janette in Bargara. Small coastal resort in central Queensland. Few days off the road. Feeling a bit self-conscious. Simon a professional photographer. Curious as to what he made of my amateur efforts. Janette a former Times journalist. Sharp mind.



Bargara beckons

May 18th, 2011


Promised not to leave it another forty two years. Be back a bit sooner. But it was time to return to the road. Continue the journey south. To the seaside town of Bargara. Few days riding. Off to stay with an old school friend of my neighbour Jon.

As much as it’d been simply great to chat to second cousin Ken, and his wife Sue, I’d enjoyed being able to muck in. Digging trenches. Moving rocks. Even a foray into the kitchen. But probably best to skip over my efforts at reversing with a trailer. Or the dubious recipe I’d found for cheesy mash. Interesting flavour Sue had said. I’d agreed. Wholeheartedly. Family can be so terribly polite.


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