Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Brief intermission

October 25th, 2011


Regular followers of the blog may be aware I usually run a little ahead of it – in this case, about a thousand miles from Seattle. For I’m now down in San Francisco, so just seven hundred miles or so from the Mexican border.

Spending a few days in the city – routine maintenance, aspirations to visit Alcatraz – and writing up more of the blog once I’ve fixed the power supply for my netbook. Cable chewed through not by a wild bear or raccoon, or even a feral cat, but a house rabbit. Called Bob. Some things you can’t make up….

So, please bear with me – a brief blog intermission – as the last of the scheduled posts have now appeared….



In the office

October 13th, 2011

In the office from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

A brief glimpse into Ken’s world of blogging…. In a trailer – caravan – in Kitwanga, British Columbia



Increasing the pace

September 23rd, 2011

Fourth continent. Increasing the pace in the saddle. And now on the blog, for I’ve ended up quite a bit ahead of it, much more than I’d ever intended. On the ground, running out of Canada as the story unfolding online has me starting out in Alaska. So, time to speed things up a little. Few more posts each day. Something for everyone.



Coming up.. in New Zealand

June 29th, 2011

Emma, my trusty steed, safely resting up in Sydney for a few weeks. Fleeting visit to New Zealand. Visiting friends. And a spot of exploring. In search of a glacier. Bit of practice for Alaska. Plus the usual cast of characters. One poor soul just waiting to cross the road before I pitched up. Got away after about twenty minutes.

Few insights into life travelling on the buses. And living in hostels. Not forgetting a few handy hints to help you sound like a local. But, alas, no Hobbits. Or French military tourists. Still, lots I hope for you to enjoy over the forthcoming days…



Getting the story out

September 6th, 2010

Getting the story out from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken discusses the importance of sharing his experiences on the road with others, and reveals some of the tools he uses to achieve this

[Author’s note: Video recorded prior to the end of the first year on the road, but publication delayed due to absence of WiFi to upload]

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