Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Message from the Management

May 22nd, 2011


You may have noticed a little humour creeping into the blog. Or at least, stuff that amuses me. Persevere. Like those annoying garden weeds, good chance the cold will kill it off. Soon. Starting to get nippy here. But, until then, some insight into what tickles my proverbials. What sort of one-liner might secure Wallace the Wallaby for you when I complete the Australian leg. Give it a go. Get donating – click here to find out more.



Half way Down Under

May 15th, 2011

Marsupial page

Half way Down Under. Bit ahead of the blog, Ken, trusty steed Emma, and mascots Skippy the Kangaroo and Wallace the Wallaby now south of Brisbane. Capital of Queensland. Mid-point of Australia’s east coast.

Sydney. Melbourne. End of another continent. In their sights. So time to think about making a donation to support the work of The Outward Bound Trust. And with it the chance to offer a home to Ken’s marsupial mascots. To find out more, visit Wallace and Skippy’s page – click here.


Family affair

April 3rd, 2011

Pair - web

Skippy has teased out some very generous donations. Hugely appreciated by Emma, my trusty steed, and I. And The Outward Bound Trust. But most of all, by the young people able, as a result, to undertake nothing short of life-changing courses with the charity.

Skippy’s a socially aware critter, conscious of tough economic times back in Blighty. So time to introduce fellow marsupial Wallace the Wallaby. Like a kangaroo, just smaller. Far less chance of one disembowelling you. So no need for the gloves.

Wallace can be yours for safe keeping. Once we’ve got the Australian continent in the bag. Plan is to give Wallace to whoever leaves the most witty comment when making a secure donation via my JustGiving page. Doesn’t matter how much you give. Few pounds. Or a lot more. Because it all helps. Just need to make me smile. The most.

Inevitably the legal types require some terms and conditions. Conveniently, these are the same as for the awarding of Skippy to a good home. See 5 March 2011 blog entry entitled "Hostage to fortune". With one important difference:

"Awarding of Wallace

Wallace will be awarded to the person making an eligible donation, between 9 April 2011 and Ken’s completion of the Australian stage of his expedition, deemed to be accompanied by the most witty comment. Ken’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into."

Please remember, the making of a donation is considered to be acceptance of these terms and conditions.

[Neither the awarding of Skippy or Wallace to a good home is considered to be a lottery as defined by the Gambling Act 2005. But, even if it was, then it’d be an incidental non-commercial lottery. Which doesn’t require a licence. Or registration with a local authority. So, either way, perfectly legal. Well, this is an ethical venture. So you’d expect me to consider these things]



Hostage to fortune

March 5th, 2011

Introducing Skippy. The gloves a touch of irony. Fight like girls apparently. No concept of the Queensberry Rules. But this particular marsupial shortly to be a very well travelled kangaroo. Accompanying Emma, my trusty steed, and I all the way down Australia. Popping up in the odd video clip or photo as we go. Already done some TV work. No, really.

Skippy - web

Alas, no room in the bag for Skippy to venture into Alaska. Need the space for extra rations. Instead, she’ll be given to a good home. That of whoever donates the most to The Outward Bound Trust during my time in Australia. Otherwise its sausages. With baked beans. You have been warned. So, please read the terms and conditions below and then click here to donate. Help the funds roll in to enable young people to unlock their real potential.


Terms and conditions


To be eligible to be considered for the award of Skippy:

(a) Donations must be made via Ken’s page (, together with

(b) A valid e-mail address, visible to Ken as the page owner.

Donations are made strictly in accordance with’s own terms and conditions. They are not payment for a ticket, goods or services, nor are they refundable. Under any circumstances.

Donations made by, or on behalf of, Ken’s immediate family, employees and agents of The Outward Bound Trust are not eligible for consideration for the award of Skippy.

Awarding of Skippy

Skippy will be awarded to the person making the largest eligible donation between 6 March 2011 and Ken’s completion of the Australian stage of his expedition. In the event of there being more than one such donation, one will be chosen at random. Ken’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Notification of the award

The person awarded Skippy will be notified of their success via the e-mail address provided when making their donation. If the address is no longer valid, or no reply is received within 14 days, Skippy will be awarded to the person making the next largest donation.


Whilst every endeavour will be made to ensure Skippy makes it safely across Australia with Ken, and subsequently to the person making the largest eligible donation, no liability will be accepted for failure due to cyclones, flooding, loss, theft, electronic problems such as website corruption or e-mail delivery failure, misplacement of the marsupial by Australia Post etc.. Remember, donations are just that. Donations.

Acceptance of the terms and conditions

The making of a donation is considered to be acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Applicable Law

These terms and conditions are subject to English Law.

Safety note

Finally, note that Skippy is not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

Terms & Conditions of Use | Copyright © 2009-2025 Ken Roberts