Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Chariot racing

April 13th, 2011

Ok. Not actual racing. And it was dark. So no footage I’m afraid. Just a quarter of a tonne of two adults, two young boys. And a chariot [on the left in the photo below]. Towed by yours truly on a tricycle. Up hill. Quite slowly.

Trike - web

Still wedded to the traditional touring bicycle – panniers rather towing a trailer – of course. But I’d found myself being rather impressed by Kent’s collection of recumbent cycles. His being the tricycle variety. Comfortable. Surprisingly agile. Nippy. Beautifully engineered. But, being so low to the ground, probably best suited to sealed roads. Quieter ones at that.

Seemed I’d stumbled over something of recumbent community. Introduced to Charles, a short ride a way. Inventive type. English. Offered me tea. Built his own machines. For himself and others. Introducing some novel features of he’d conceived himself. When not making telescopes. Inquisitive mind. Almost child-like curiosity. But with practicalities of experience.



Family life

April 13th, 2011

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School run in the morning. With Fon and young boys Sharif and Maurice. The day spent with Dad Kent. Later lessons at the local pool. Then off with the whole family for ice creams. My treat for hosting me. Putting me up. Or putting up with me. Always get confused with that one. First stay with an Aussie family.

Continuing my journey south towards Sydney and beyond, I’d reached Townsville late the previous evening. Struggling in the excessive humidity. Perils of sodden ground and a sunny day. Picking up the pace as dusk approached. Still some twenty miles to cover. But content in the knowledge I’d arranged to stay with Kent and his family. No need to hunt down a campsite. Never fun in the dark.

Townsville - web

I’d thought Townsville an improbably dull sounding place. As unoriginal as it could get. Only to discover it was named after one Captain Robert Towns. Found a small plaque. Garrison town. Not that you’d guess. Very ordered. Pleasant. The largest place I’d encountered so far in Australia.


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