Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Breaking and entering

October 11th, 2011

Breaking and entering from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken stays with a family near Terrace, in Canadian British Columbia. Never a dull moment…




October 10th, 2011

Wisps from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken admires the the wispy clouds along the Skeena valley east from the coastal town of Prince Rupert, towards Terrace. Skeena, incidentally, meaning "River of Mists". And it’s a moist day… Which, if you’re a fan of the late 80s comedy "Blackadder goes Forth", you’ll know is not a dirty word. Unlike crevice



Tied up in Ketchikan

October 6th, 2011

Tied up in Ketchikan from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken, by now an old sea dog, makes a brief stop in the small port of Ketchikan, along Alaska’s Inner Passage. Be advised, this clip contains some terrible nautical humour..



Blitzkreig into British Columbia

October 3rd, 2011

Blitzkrieg into British Columbia from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Still no bears, but hordes of Germans.. Just like France, the Yukon and British Columbia being popular destinations. Direct flight from Frankfurt into Whitehorse, most likely the only international airport in the region.



Yukon Man

October 2nd, 2011

We’d needed a rest day, however impromptu. Chance to dry out wet tents and damp kit. And have a shave. My feeble attempts at growing a beard were no more. Actually, it resembled little more than a few days stubble, but was still uncomfortable to remove with a razor. I’m sure it would have blossomed, but I’d decided the Yukon look probably wasn’t quite me. It had to go.

WhiteRiver (6)

In the past there’d been strict rules for this sort of thing. No beards. And always making a point of never dating a woman with one. Just like poor lip-synching, I find it a bit off-putting. Under-arm hair I can live with. Quite like the French.



Why do bears ….. in the woods?

September 21st, 2011

Why bears …. in the woods from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken discovers why bears do **** in the woods..



Bear deterrent

September 9th, 2011


Small print. "Not for use on humans". Probably a wise addition as people have been known to confuse bear deterrent for bear repellant. A few incidences of parents spraying their children with it in the mistaken belief it would offer them protection from Goldilocks and her friends. Bit like insect repellant or sunblock. You’d hope the unfortunate offspring would be exempt the naughty step for a while… once discharged from hospital.

I’d bought a canister of bear spray – it ressembles a small fire extinguisher – and a holster to carry it in. Bear attacks are rare, but when they do occur there may be little warning. Best kept readily to hand. But not my first choice of deterrent. That’d be an RPG, closely followed by phosphor grenades, largely because I reckon the cuddly critters probably aren’t that fire retardent.


Incidentally, it’s a Federal offence to use the spray on anything other than bears. Unless you at least have an honest belief that’s what you’re doing. So, if you’ve any plans to try and mug me, please remember I’m a bit short sighted. Easily confused, especially without my glasses on. Mistaking attackers for one of our furry friends a very real possibility. Despite treating the spray with the same caution as I would a firearm, in a land where guns are plentiful, I’ve absolutely no compunction about deploying it. Not a jot.



Into the Twilight Zone

August 30th, 2011

Brief stop-over in Hawaii complete, I was bound for Alaska. The Twilight Zone. During the summer months almost perpetual daylight. That’d already begun to diminish by five minutes or so each day, just as the relatively mild weather conditions would start to ebb away shortly. Knew I’d need to press on out of Anchorage just as soon as I was ready. Not a moment to loose.

Shuttle bus back to the airport I’d left the previous day. Agricultural inspection. Free carriage of thirty pounds of approved pineapples was an irresistible offer that proved to be very resistible. Check in with Alaskan Airlines swift, no quibbling over the half pound I was over on the baggage limit.

All terribly polite and efficient. And as yet no utterance of "Have a nice day". Only criticism I’d have, and it is a minor one, is that full body scanners are probably not best suited to airports in warm climates. Gets your attention. So to speak. And the alternative they offer, full body pat down, didn’t strike me as having much less scope for, shall we say, embarrassment. If you’re male and facing a similar dilemma, imagine Sarah Palin riding a moose. Worked for me. Nice horns.

[At the time of writing the author was partially sleep deprived and riding on a sea of caffeine. So probably not as his best. Humble apologies. But do look out for more Sarah Palin jokes. And remember, people must have voted for her]



Australia – a few statistics…

August 27th, 2011

A random selection of dubious statistics… strictly for amusement.. Enjoy

Most ironic TV programme – "Conviction Kitchen" – those with a criminal past battle it out for a fresh start…

Distance ridden – Close on 4,000 kilometres. Which is about the same as London to Istanbul. Hardly surprising as it’s not just a country, it’s an entire continent.

Cyclones encountered – Just one – Yasi – but it was the largest, most fearsome to hit Australia’s mainland in living memory

Favourite spot – Mary Valley, north west of Brisbane

Premiers met – One – Anna Bligh

Days lost to flooded highways – Two – trapped for a few extra days in the small but likeable town of Bowen

Local TV and radio interviews – Two TV news pieces, one spot on Talk Radio, and a newspaper article

Prostitutes – Just one, for coffee and a chat – strictly research, and I paid only for the drinks

Cheapest paid pitch – $8 – about five pounds

Best camp kitchen – Innisfail – at a site managed by Maureen

Easiest job – Weather forecaster, Far North Queensland, during the wet season – hmmm, rain today?

Miscreant drivers reported to the Police – One – errant truck driver who seemed to think it amusing to try and, quite literally, run me off the road

Detentions by Public Officials – One – albeit briefly, by an Immigration Officer querying why I’d returned to Australia from New Zealand – errr, because I’ve a multiple entry visa that allows me to do so…

[Ed. That’s quite enough stats for one continent]



Looking for a leash

August 26th, 2011

Looking for a leash from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken goes in search of a kangaroo leash. Bit like a dog lead but stretchy to allow for the bounce… Next week, the hunt for a cordless extension lead…


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