Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Crossing the line

June 18th, 2011

Years of cycling commuting into central London. Ridden half way around the world. Seen some terrible driving. Double overtaking in Georgia. Chaos in China. But a first in Australia. A truck driver aiming for me. Deliberate act. Clear road. Few hundred metres behind me on the horn. Continuous. Heading straight for me. Be under no illusion. But for rapid avoiding action he’d have hit me. One day he will kill someone. Not himself. Regrettably.

Plain stupidity. Lack of anticipation. Poor judgement. Features often exercised by other road users. Including a few cyclists. But usually not truck drivers. Tolerable. For they lack intent to harm others. But not in this instance.

And no illusions as to the seriousness of the matter. Suspecting the law here is similar to that in the UK. Someone dying as a result of an intent to commit grievous bodily harm – really serious harm – is called murder. Good pub quiz question. Only reason charge normally brought is one of causing death by dangerous driving is a jury’s traditional reluctance to convict for murder in the context of motoring.

So. You’ll understand I’d want to pursue all lawful means to bring the offender to justice. In this instance, helped by some roadworks a few hundred metres ahead. Forcing the driver to stop. Allowing me to get his vehicle registration number. And I made sure he saw me note it down. Wanting him to know I’m on his case. As were the Police a short time later.

[With especial thanks to New South Wales and Queensland State Police for their assistance in bringing this matter to a satisfactory conclusion]



Cuddly critters

June 17th, 2011

Cuddly critter

Caution. Drug-crazed teddy bears ahead. Or, for new-comers to the blog, koalas. Sleep sixteen hours a day. When awake stoned out of their tiny minds on eucalyptus leaves. Every family has one…



Empire Vale Post Office

June 16th, 2011

Empire Vale Post Office

Australia’s smallest Post Office. In Empire Vale, northern New South Wales.



Don’t pay the ferryman

June 15th, 2011

Don’t pay the ferryman from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken, and trusty steed Emma, decide to get some sea time in. A short hop on the Burns Point Ferry. Don’t want to over-do-it.



Back on track

June 15th, 2011

Back on track from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken reaches the small seaside town of Ballina in northern New South Wales. Much more appealing than the tourist resorts further north.



Beach bound

June 14th, 2011

Beach bound from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Uninspired by the touristy town of Byron Bay, Ken goes in search of beaches nearby. Lennox Heads. In northern New South Wales.



Over the border to Wales

June 13th, 2011

Missed it. The border. Between Queensland to the north and New South Wales. If there was a sign, it’d probably be on the main highway I’d sought to avoid. Carefully picking my way through roadworks. Along re-routed cycle paths. Tediously slow.

No fences. No checkpoints. But the boundary between Queensland and New South Wales does matter. Different laws. For Australia is a federation. Just like the USA. But with fewer States. A less vocal gun lobby. And a lot more bowls clubs. In fact, just what you’d probably expect if the British did federalism.

Just one short interlude. Michael. Towing a trailer largely constructed of chicken wire. He’d been struggling up a steep incline as I’d descended. Narrow path. Deep gutter. His head down. Concerned he might hit me, I’d given him a friendly shout. German. Heading north in search of work. Fruit or vegetable picking.


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