Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Over the border to Wales

June 13th, 2011

Missed it. The border. Between Queensland to the north and New South Wales. If there was a sign, it’d probably be on the main highway I’d sought to avoid. Carefully picking my way through roadworks. Along re-routed cycle paths. Tediously slow.

No fences. No checkpoints. But the boundary between Queensland and New South Wales does matter. Different laws. For Australia is a federation. Just like the USA. But with fewer States. A less vocal gun lobby. And a lot more bowls clubs. In fact, just what you’d probably expect if the British did federalism.

Just one short interlude. Michael. Towing a trailer largely constructed of chicken wire. He’d been struggling up a steep incline as I’d descended. Narrow path. Deep gutter. His head down. Concerned he might hit me, I’d given him a friendly shout. German. Heading north in search of work. Fruit or vegetable picking.



Not a toilet?

June 12th, 2011

Southport mural

Southport. On Queensland’s Gold Coast. Very touristy. But a toilet? Surely not. There again…



Postcards from Paradise

June 10th, 2011


Simple plan. Visit Southport. On southern Queensland’s Gold Coast. Few postcards for friends and relatives back in its Lancashire namesake. Alas, plenty for the Gold Coast itself. Or neighbouring Surfer’s Paradise. But not Southport. Bit disappointing.




June 10th, 2011

Namesakes from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken makes a brief comparison between Southport on Australia’s Gold Coast and Lancashire’s namesake. Not suitable for retired Liverpudlian drugs dealers.



Southport slums

June 10th, 2011

Southport slums from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken finally reaches Southport. On southern Queensland’s Gold Coast.



Carpet bombing

June 9th, 2011

Carpet bombing from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Caution. This video contains irreverent references to Stevenage New Town. But not the old one. I’m sure they’ve got a Waitrose.



Bit of a crush

June 7th, 2011

Bit of a crush from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Not a short video I admit. But, unless you’re Reader in Reptilian Studies at the University of Snakesville, chances are you’ll learn quite a bit about pythons. With especial thanks to experienced snake breeder and handler, Kieran, for the opportunity to handle pythons.

And need I say "Don’t try this at home"? Alas, these days, probably. Even Kieran gets bitten once in a while. Fortunately pythons kill by crushing rather than venom.



Rough scale python

June 7th, 2011

Rough scale python from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken encounters an exceptionally rare rough scale python..



Along the Brisbane river

June 6th, 2011

Along the Brisbane river from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken explores the Brisbane river in Queensland’s capital city



Somerset connections

June 5th, 2011

They were off to Taunton in a few weeks. About ten miles from my Somerset cottage. Janet and Max. Had heard of my village. Even visited. Chance meeting in a camp kitchen. I’d wandered in for the usual evening recce. Power point for the netbook. Kettle or microwave for refreshments and breakfast the next day. They were with friends. Enjoying Friday night nibbles. Gathering at the site to celebrate Roz’s birthday the next evening.

Somerset sign

And, I gathered, we were actually in Somerset. Queensland. I’d seen Lake Somerset on the map. North west of Brisbane. And my final destination in Australia would be the town of Somerset on the island of Tasmania. But no idea there was a region of the same name. Until I stumbled across a sign at the side of the road. The previous day.


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