Across Continents

Ken's Blog

Crotch pot cooking

April 14th, 2011

"Crotch pot cooking" was, I think, the expression used by Robin Williams in the film "Good Morning Vietnam". No khaki. Just cycling shorts. Black Lycra. And I mean ’just’. Going "Commando" to fend off fungal skin infections. Toyed with ditching my underwear altogether. But decided I might be glad of it in Alaska. Besides, this expedition’s not exactly a night out in Newcastle…

Truth is, in the wet season in the tropics everything flourishes. Mould. Council workers pressure washing the pavements. Householders regularly obliged to spring clean their homes. Damp. Almost tacky to the touch. And, for my part, trying to keep infections at bay. Nothing that my First Aid kit can’t contend with. So far at least.



Gone with the wind

April 9th, 2011

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If there’s two things I admire about Queenslanders it’s their stoicism. And humour. The damage – entire roof ripped off part of a petrol station – the result of Cyclone Yasi a few months ago.



Don’t confuse me with the facts…

April 5th, 2011

Recent spate of natural disasters seems to have woken the conspiracy theorists from their slumber. Beginning to think they’d been abducted. By aliens. Or a sinister Government organisation. Usually with some suitably intriguing initials. HARPIC. MENTOR. Internet buzzing. Providing the advocates of doom with a readily accessible platform for their musings. Just like this one I suppose..

Start to get a following and you’re quickly blessed with a modicum of credibility. Add some colour. I’ll refrain from using the term "evidence". Videos. Photos. Grainy ones are ideal. Open to favourable interpretation. All lending weight to your ramblings.

The clever ones are very persuasive. Their arguments coherent. Like clairvoyants. Believable. The facts, such as they are, seem to fit. Surely there must be something in their assertions? Surprisingly, there probably is. Mathematics. I’d want to ascertain which facts they’ve excluded. Invariably those of similar merit to the ones they’ve admitted. The inconvenient ones. Those that either don’t support their case, or just plain undermine it.

For, truth is, assemble enough of just about anything – facts, coloured beads, tea leaves – and you’ll see patterns. Subconsciously excluding those elements that don’t fit. Seeing what you want to see. Even if it isn’t really there. Like the sky at night. Billions of stars. Just a few forming recognisable patterns. Like the Plough. But hardly evidence of farm implements in Outer Space.

Sceptical? Suspecting I’m simply spreading dis-information. Seeking to undermine credible conspiracy theorist. Those that are actually on to something. Sorry to disappoint. Rather, let me leave you with a rather terrestrial example. From my own travels.

Over the last eighteen months I seem to have just missed riots in Bishkek, bomb attacks in western China, a whole host of natural disasters in Queensland, devastating earthquake in New Zealand. To the extent I’ve been asked, on more than one occasion, how many lives I’ve got. Evidence of a sixth sense? Not at all. No doubt influenced by my proximity to these events, I’ve subconsciously excluded all those of similar nature from across the planet that don’t fit the pattern. Dull I know.

It’s not rocket science. And, trust me, I think I’d know if it was…



Termite suburbia

April 4th, 2011

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A welcome sign. Allaying my fears of a particularly large elephant roaming wild.



Confessions of a cyclist

April 2nd, 2011

Crocodilus domesticus. Happy hunting. Up there with the loneliness monkeys. And the cyclone slip knot. Product of a furtive imagination. And a leather saddle.

I’d toyed with not owning up to a bit of creative writing. After all, if someone had fallen for a domesticated man-eating predator or a ludicrously implausible seaman’s knot, I’d not stand in their way. If only to get them out of the gene pool. Quickly.

But this is an increasingly litigious world. You know the sort. Reason they write "Caution Hot" on cups of steaming coffee.



Curable condition

April 2nd, 2011

Chocolate addiction. Hardly intravenous drug use I admit. Undermining the very fabric of society. Addicts turning to crime to feed their habit. Actually, that might be said of both. In Australia. For, whilst the first world is never cheap, the cost of living here is eye-watering. And, even allowing for the strong Aussie dollar, this is an expensive country. Compounded by the lack of free lunches. You pay. For everything. Inclusive notably absent from the Australian lexicon.

Never mind the basic necessities. For which, to be fair, the savvy shopper can keep down at a cost broadly comparable with that of the UK. But take non-essentials like confectionary. Wide variety of well-known brands. You’d be lucky to get much change out of the equivalent of two pounds for just one small bar of chocolate. So, if you do need encouragement to quit the sugary stuff, try Australia. Especially the tropics. Turns to liquid in minutes.

[With especial thanks to Claire in Cornwall for the inspiration to write this piece. Teasing mention of After Eight mints]



Crocodilus domesticus

April 1st, 2011

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Estuarine. Saltwater. All different species of crocodilus. Crocodiles. To which, quite a few million years later, has been added crocodilus domesticus. Rarely growing to more than a metre in length, this genetically engineered critter makes for a very robust, if unusual, pet.

Like a parrot, its longevity – it’s very likely to outlive you – means you’d be wise to provide for it in your Will. Chlorine tolerant, any need for a specially constructed habitat is avoided. A small outdoor swimming pool being more than sufficient. And its passive, if playful, nature makes it ideal for small children. Always a favourite for pool parties.



Cyclone slip knot

April 1st, 2011

Knot - web

Dates from the days of Captain Cook. Cyclone slip knot. Devised to allow sailing ships to proceed from their moorings during tropical storms. Without the need for buoy jumpers. Rather, the ordinarily very secure knot slipping itself once winds reach something roughly equating to a Category One Cyclone. And just as effective for camping.



Dem boots

April 1st, 2011

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Cycling in Tropical Queensland. During the wet season. About once an hour. Stop. Bus shelters ideal. Off boots. Pour water out. Remove socks. Wring out. Replace. Pedal away.




March 30th, 2011

If you’ve been following me on Facebook you may have spotted I’m quite fond of posting short "What’s on your mind" entries. Tough. Brevity doesn’t come easy for me. Nor does political correctness. Careful though not to cause offence. Aware that not everyone’s a fan of social media, a few of my favourite ramblings are reproduced below. Enjoy.

"Wondering how koalas mate? Asleep most of the day, stoned out of their tiny minds when actually awake. It’s not as if they live on an inner city council estate…"

"Never mind the traffic on Queensland’s roads, it’s the dead, bloated cane toads you have to look out for. Explode when you run over them. Not funny. Especially when you don’t have a front mudguard"

"Bit of a Charlie Sheen moment. But without the wild parties, wanton women and all the other Hollywood excesses. Instead I’d simply given a frank interview to a local TV station. Admitted I was "nuts". Suppose I’d better check into re-hab."

"Tully, Mission Beach, Cardwell. Devastated by Cyclone Yasi. Now submerged by swollen rivers. Compounded by an outbreak of Dengue Fever. Sounds like a cue for a Royal visit. I’ll look out for the bunting."

"Australian English. For all its close similarity to The Queen’s English, there are a few pitfalls. Try asking for rooting compost in a garden centre. Only to find yourself directed to the nearest chemist. Presuming you’re after organic Viagra. And firm marrows."

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