Across Continents

Ken's Blog

The Good Guys

August 7th, 2011

There’d been a potentially fatal incident with a truck back in northern New South Wales. The offender dealt with appropriately. But this was the exception. Vanishingly rare. Nevertheless, I’d not so much as blinked in my resolve to bring such a grave matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Not a jot of hesitation.

But, by the same token, I do believe in applauding those who do well. Steve, the jovial InterCity bus driver, back in New Zealand. And on the roads in Australia? Been doing a bit of a survey on the highway south. Keeping myself occupied in the saddle. Most considerate haulage company. Not exactly intellectually rigorous I’d admit. But good enough.

And there was a clear winner. Lindsay Transport. Their truckies consistently giving me lots of road room. A wide berth. So I’d dropped them a line. Asking their Transport Manager to pass on my gratitude to their drivers.



Coal trucks

July 27th, 2011

Coal trucks from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken heads towards the coast to the south of Sydney. Encountering just one or two coal trucks along the way. Good job he’s got a flask of tea.



Restless night in Kilcoy

June 3rd, 2011

Restless night in Kilcoy from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

If counting trucks, rather than sheep, was your thing, you’d have a good night’s rest in Kilcoy, southern Queensland. Unfortunately, not Ken’s bag…



Trucks and ducks

December 28th, 2010

Trucks and ducks from Ken Roberts on Vimeo.

Ken describes an interesting discovery at a truck stop. When the lorries hurtling past permit….


Friend and foe

September 22nd, 2010

"A strong foe is better than a weak friend" – Edward Dahlberg, American novelist

I thought the usual quotation – "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" – hackneyed, even if it’s attributed to a Chinese military strategist. But, two and a half thousand years later, it does have an irritating aptness. Lorry drivers. The worst come perilously close, sucking you in towards their trailers, then spitting you out as they rumble past. Riding slowly uphill into a headwind, the wall of air those plunging downhill create can be sufficient to bring you to an abrupt halt.

But, for all that, faced with genuine difficulty on remote stretches of road, it’d be lorry drivers I’d seek help from. No hesitation. Not all would oblige, but when assistance came, you just knew it’d be from a trucker. They’re the ones that often wave as they pass, give the thumbs up, offer water, keep an eye on you. Dare say there are car drivers who’d step in. Of course there are, but more likely they’d stop to take a photo and then head off. Busy people.

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